Looking for the Russian Moon di Boris Peters edito da iUniverse
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Looking for the Russian Moon

A Love Story-Almost







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Descrizione Looking for the Russian Moon

Dade Truth is an average, hardworking Joe living in Milwaukee. Dade, who has learned much from the failure of his first marriage, has come to understand that every relationship is based on trust, faith, and feelings. When he begins dating the beautiful Karen Asherman, Dade does not even imagine what could go wrong. Karen walks into Dade's life with grace and confidence, quickly becoming his soul mate. The magic is obvious. As their relationship progresses from dating to marriage, Dade is happy and in love-until she begins attacking him with little nothings that grow larger during their many arguments. As Karen becomes mean and sadistic, Dade suffers from feelings of abandonment and hurt. They are a perfect couple-almost. Dade thinks he can help Karen, and Karen thinks she can change Dade. But when secrets from Karen's past are revealed, it is Dade who must come to grips with his wife's realities, as frightening as they are. Looking for the Russian Moon is the story of a young couple's challenges as they fall in love, realize each other's shortcomings, and face an uncertain future together.

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