Lizard Meets Ivana the Terrible di C. Anne Scott edito da Perfection Learning

Lizard Meets Ivana the Terrible

Roth Stephanie




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Descrizione Lizard Meets Ivana the Terrible

LIZZIE GARDNER WANTS TO LEARN ONE THING IN THE THIRD GRADE. . . . HOW TO FIND A REAL BEST FRIEND.Lizzie's first day at Morningside Elementary is not off to a good start. First of all, she has to sit between Brady Brootski (nickname: Bratski) and Ivana the Terrible. Bratski won't stop pulling Lizzie's hair. And he gave her an awful nickname -- Lizard. As for Ivana, the other kids say she can turn people to stone just by looking at them!Lizzie wants to make a best friend so badly. But is Morningside the right place to find one?

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