Living The Dream di Lori Crasnich edito da Austin Macauley Publishers
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Living The Dream





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Descrizione Living The Dream

Cornwall has the most beautiful landscape you could wish to set your eyes on, made still more dramatic with the evening silhouette of St Michael's Mount in the background. That was exactly the view Lori and his Cornish wife, Irene, had as they took over the tenancy of their first public house in the village of Portscatly: a beautiful village with many lively characters, each with their own little story to tell. Jean's story will tug at your heartstrings, whilst Steve's tragic tale will show you that a moment of madness can change your life forever. Typical families and friends keep village life moving. The landlord's foreign name has not gone down too well with the crowd. "It's enough to make a man curse," some would say. "And now they are taking over our pubs too," some others would say. So will Lori and Irene win over the locals, as they tirelessly try to get involved with the local community?

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