Livelihood of Rural People di Krishna Prasad Timalsina edito da VDM Verlag
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Livelihood of Rural People

Intensification, Diversification, Modification and Chnage in the Context of Development Intervention in Nepal


VDM Verlag





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Descrizione Livelihood of Rural People

The book deals with livelihood practice of rural people of Nepal. Agricultural intensification, diversification, modification and change as livelihood strategies of rural people after the connection of road with urban centres have been take as an issue to analyse. The text mainly explores that with easy access of motorable road, rural people have been able to improve their living standard through intensifying and diversifying their agricultural practice and modifying everyday life rural activities. Focusing on the issues relating to rural livelihood, development interventions, livelihood diversification and modification; this book will be useful to those who are interested to look the issues in development discourse particularly working within the field of rural livelihoods of developing countries. Throughout this book, the author draws his own experience in order to offer a personal glimpse into the changes of rural livelihood strategies of developing countries with particular focus of development interventions.

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