Lived Experience: Dewey's Naturalistic Conception di Aysun Aydin edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Lived Experience: Dewey's Naturalistic Conception

A philosophical research on the notion of experience





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Descrizione Lived Experience: Dewey's Naturalistic Conception

The concept of experience is one of the fundamental subjects in the history of philosophy. In general, this significant concept is treated and presented in terms of the epistemological problems. Especially in modern philosophy, the concept of experience is limited by considering it only as sense-experience of the human subject. It is argued in this study, this limitation is caused by a conceptual distortion of modern philosophy, such as subjectivization and idealization. On the other hand, the naturalistic account presents another conception of experience as lived-experience, which includes culture, nature and history as well as the notion of sense-experience. John Dewey¿s naturalist approach and his naturalistic metaphysics of experience present the notion of lived-experience as the main subject of philosophy. This study aims to present and evaluate naturalistic conception of lived experience through John Dewey¿s philosophy of experience.

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