All the Little Truths di Debra Webb edito da THOMAS & MERCER
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All the Little Truths





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Descrizione All the Little Truths

"Legal investigator Finley O'Sullivan has dealt with her share of shady characters, but the firm's latest client has an even darker past than most. In fact, Nashville Metro Police seems to think he's a murderer. Finley isn't so sure. Her investigation into Ray Johnson's history focuses on the unsolved murder of a teenager who died thirteen years earlier. The case went cold, but questions remain. After the girl's death, people close to her started disappearing Ray's brother first, then the girl's mother. But why? As Finley races to solve a decade-old murder, she uncovers new clues and long-buried secrets that could blow the case wide open. But whoever killed the girl all those years ago may still be a threat and now the chase is on"--

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