The Little Tree That Changed Everything di David R. Gaslin edito da Page Publishing Inc
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The Little Tree That Changed Everything





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Descrizione The Little Tree That Changed Everything

Henry is a young boy who was born with a crooked leg. Though his family had more than enough love to share, they didn't have enough money to fix his leg. Henry determines to be the very best he can be anyway. One Christmas, Henry comes upon a weak, misshapen little Christmas tree that no one wants. No one else knows what Henry knows. This little tree has a fierce heart and wants very much to be the best it can be. Henry believes in the tree's destiny and takes it home to make that destiny a reality. This is the story of how Henry's compassion and devotion to the little tree, and the little tree's response to Henry's love and care, impact the lives of everyone who knows them, even the president of the United States! This is a story of love, faith, strength, and loyalty that weaves its way through the lives of Henry; his beloved wife, Ruthie; his children, and his grandchildren. It's a story that reminds us that faith and love always triumph over obstacles and tragedies if we will just believe.

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