The Little Book of Axolotl Wisdom: Live Your Life Like the World's Weirdest, Cutest Salamander di Jessica Allen edito da ULYSSES PR
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The Little Book of Axolotl Wisdom: Live Your Life Like the World's Weirdest, Cutest Salamander

Live Your Life Like The World's Weirdest, Cutest Salamander







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Descrizione The Little Book of Axolotl Wisdom: Live Your Life Like the World's Weirdest, Cutest Salamander

Get inspired by the axolotl, aka the Mexican Water Monster, and discover what they can teach us about living life to the fullest in this adorably profound book of amphibian affirmations!For everyone who has had a sloth phase, an alpaca phase, a llama phase, or any other fascination with a certain kind of animal, welcome to your newest obsession: axolotls! Axolotls are arguably the most delightful salamanders on planet Earth. But besides their lovable faces and cute coloring, axolotls are seriously awesome amphibians that can teach us a lot about how to live life uniquely and successfully. From fighting extinction (axolotls are critically endangered) to regenerating limbs, gills, and even brains, these critters are the definition of inspirational! The Little Book of Axolotl Wisdom is the perfect gift book for axolotl fanatics as well as any animal lover.

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