The Literary Universe of Jorge Luis Borges di Daniel Balderston edito da Greenwood Press
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The Literary Universe of Jorge Luis Borges

An Index to References and Allusions to Persons, Titles, and Places in His Writings





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Descrizione The Literary Universe of Jorge Luis Borges

?Balderston's compilation is defined by its subtitle. The work is a comprehensive labor of literary love providing for the dedicated Borges fan or scholar the location in his works of allusions to people, titles, and places. The most impressive facet of the compilation, apart from the sheer enthusiasm necessary to undertake and complete it, is the breadth and depth of Borge's knowledge, which encompasses all cultures and all ages. The index gives a sense of Borge's encyclopedic mind. Aside from attesting to Borge's brilliance, the index will be useful for students of Hispanic literature and of Borge's himself.... Recommended for graduate or research libraries with strong interest in Hispanic literature, or for undergraduate libraries with strong programs in humanities or comparative literature.?-Choice

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