Liquid Sunshine: A Story about Love, Life, and Finding the Will of God di Justin C. Hart edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Liquid Sunshine: A Story about Love, Life, and Finding the Will of God

A Story About Love, Life, and Finding the Will of God







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Descrizione Liquid Sunshine: A Story about Love, Life, and Finding the Will of God

The title Liquid Sunshine is a symbolic expression derived from simply taking the trials throughout life (rain) and merely perceiving them as growth from the Lord (sunshine). Understand this is the reason why sunshine and rain, good days and bad ones, have been given to us from God-so we can grow in moderation as plants do, trusting in him. In this story of love, life, and fi nding the will of God, Jayden Rockaway, a charming senior in college, struggles to maintain a healthy relationship with the Lord, while involved with his girlfriend and an unwanted third party. After multiple breakups and much tension between the three of them, the Lord's will for his life is found. Throughout this challenging experience, God paints a beautiful work of art and only by Jayden's willingness was it created. Once he stopped chasing the temporary and meaningless things of this world and pursued the perpetual and everlasting things that God wanted for him, he mentally saw a completed image, what many call the big picture, right before his very eyes. Now, we can all agree that hindsight is a wonderful explosion of revelation; however, to receive a glimpse of a painting before it is fi nished is a gift like none other. Step into this story and share my umbrella, if you will. See how the good and bad weather of a particular season can blend together and create one beautiful day.

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