The Lions of Judah di Dennis Knotts edito da Strategic Book Publishing & Rights Agency, LLC
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The Lions of Judah

Book Three of the Afikomen Series

The Afikomen




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Descrizione The Lions of Judah

THE LIONS OF JUDAH THEY WERE CLASSIFIED AS MISFITS ... They did not fit into any of the traditional Branches of Military Service. But Colonel Jackson found a home for them in his Black Ops Division. BUT GOD HAD A SPECIAL MISSION FOR THEM. They had been chosen before the Foundations of the World had been laid. They were called to be part of the 144th. The One Hundred and Forty-Four Thousand. IT HAPPENENED IN A MOMENT ... IN THE TWINKLING OF AN EYE ... THE ENTIRE WORLD CHANGED. And the Misfits changed with it. As the world prepared for the greatest war it had ever seen, the sides were drawn and the Misfits now found themselves outcast once more. Now part of a world-wide underground movement, they followed Colonel Jackson one more time. THEY WOULD PAVE THE WAY FOR THE COMING RETURN OF THE MESSIAH ... And the world would change one more time forever. Publisher's website:

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