Linearly Tapered Slot Antenna : Introduction to Design di Vedvyas Dwivedi, Shweta Srivastava edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Linearly Tapered Slot Antenna : Introduction to Design

Introduction To Design





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Descrizione Linearly Tapered Slot Antenna : Introduction to Design

This reference book entitled 'Linearly tapered slot antenna' is written for 1. Understanding the fundamental concepts, theories, principles, and design and application related issues for Linearly Tapered Slot Antennas 2. M.Tech. and Ph.D. research scholars and aspirants to quench their thirst of handsome and technically healthy materials. 3.Meeting all the standard current and future requirements of the antenna and radar industry. The graphical, and tabulated results, design equations, formulae, numerical and mathematical analyses produced here are of high quality and reliable. Authors Dr. Shweta and Dr. Dwivedi have taken utmost care for spellings and grammer as far the English language is concerned. Good number of journals, conference proceedings and books are enlisted under the reference chapter for the readers.

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