Lights! Camera! Take Action! di Damien T. Richards edito da
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Lights! Camera! Take Action!

The Flow Charts to Making and Financing Your First Feature Film






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Descrizione Lights! Camera! Take Action!

Watch the presentation video @ HOLLYWOOD WANTS YOU to join the next generation of producers, directors, and scriptwriters. One of Hollywood's biggest secrets: There are way too many stories waiting to be made into movies for current filmmakers can handle. In addition, new stories are constantly added to the pile. Discover how to turn your idea for a story, or someone else's, into a feature film. Contrary to popular belief, this does not require spending thousands of dollars at a 4-year film school. This is too costly, time consuming, and there are no jobs anywhere that require a film school degree. In addition, completing a cheaper and shorter online filmmaking course will not get you any closer to making a movie and getting it in theaters. Film schools and courses mislead by teaching the techniques that veteran filmmakers use. In essence, students waste time and money learning how to make blockbuster movies when their first feature film will be nowhere near that level of filmmaking. These institutions never tell you that the rules to making your first feature film are different than the rules veteran filmmakers use to make big budget movies. FINALLY, you can get step-by-step instructions, reinforced by a series of easy-to-follow flow charts, to develop your idea into a story, get it financed, produced, turned into your first feature film, and distributed to theaters. Once this happens, Hollywood will come knocking on your door with bigger movie projects backed by major studio financing. Why spend thousands of dollars at a 4-year film school for a degree that is worthless in Hollywood? Why spend hundreds more completing a course that purposely leaves out pieces of the puzzle and will get you nowhere? Make a small one-time investment and learn all you need to know (reinforced with easy-to-follow step-by-step flow charts that will keep you on track) to make your first feature film and get it into movie theaters. And Hollywood will come to you!

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