The Life With God Bible di Renovare edito da Harpercollins Publishers Inc

The Life With God Bible





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Descrizione The Life With God Bible

The Renovare Spiritual Formation Study Bible offers a new way for discovering the full riches of the Scriptures. As bestselling author and the project's editor, Richard Foster explains, "When I first began writing about spiritual formation, the soul hunger in people was obvious and the resources meager. Since then, a publishing avalanche has occurred on the subject--some helpful, some less than helpful. But there has remained a huge gap; a gap that if not filled will seriously undermine all the gains that have been made. The gap I refer to is a resource for approaching the Bible through the lens of Christian spiritual formation."
The Word of God is not merely a text to be mastered but a lifestyle to pursue. This unique Bible, spearheaded by bestselling authors Foster (Celebration of Discipline) and Dallas Willard (The Divine Conspiracy), integrates the spiritual disciplines into the Christian life by showing how they are central to the Bible's teachings and stories. The desperate need today is for a richer, fuller understanding of the relevance of Scripture for daily living. The Renovare Spiritual Formation Study Bible focuses on illuminating issues of spiritual formation throughout the Scriptures, providing a unique window into how we can become more intimate with God. More substantial than a devotional Bible, yet deeper than a study Bible, the Renovare Spiritual Formation Study Bible is poised to redefine what the Bible can mean for Christian discipleship.
This unique study Bible will include several distinctive features:
-An introductory essay explaining the paradigm of "The With-God Life," which views the whole of Scripture as the unfolding story of God's plan for howwe can have an intimate love relationship with our Creator.
-A series of fifteen "With God" essays sprinkled throughout the Bible laying out the progression of the biblical story of how God has, at each stage in history, been forming a people who can freely love-both God and others.
-Introduction and notes for each book of the Bible explaining not only the historical and theological background but also highlighting the main themes for spiritual formation.
-Spiritual exercises for helping readers take the next step in incorporating what they encounter in God's living Word.
-Profiles of key biblical characters emphasizing how they practiced and modeled spiritual disciplines and the "with-God life."
-A "Spiritual Disciplines Index" that provides a glossary and Bible references for each spiritual discipline and key themes of spiritual formation.
RENOVARE is an intrachurch movement committed to the renewal of the church in all her multifaceted expressions.

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