Life with an Ordinary Guy Who Reincarnated Into a Total Fantasy Knockout Vol. 1 di Yu Tsurusaki edito da SEVEN SEAS PR
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Life with an Ordinary Guy Who Reincarnated Into a Total Fantasy Knockout Vol. 1

Ikezawa, Shin


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Descrizione Life with an Ordinary Guy Who Reincarnated Into a Total Fantasy Knockout Vol. 1

In this comedic isekai tale, gender-bending hijinks ensue when two best buds wind up in a fantasy world together-which inspired the 2022 anime! Nerdy office worker Hinata has once again blundered at a singles mixer, no thanks to his hunky best friend, Jinguji, who's always by his side. While he's grumbling about it on the way home, a naked goddess appears out of nowhere and sends the two friends to another world--while also turning Hinata into a hot young woman! To get back Hinata's original body, Hinata and Jinguji set off on a journey to defeat the demon king, even if Hinata's new feminine form is giving them...unexpected feelings. Can they save this fantasy world before their lifelong bromance becomes a romance?

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