Life Is a Gift di Leslie A. Barnes edito da iUniverse
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Life Is a Gift

Develop The Winning Edge







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Descrizione Life Is a Gift

As a native of South Africa, author Leslie A. Barnes comes from a history of diverse cultures and beliefs as well as a political system that divided people across racial lines. His fellow South Africans fought against each other in an effort to force the government to change its policy. Many of these activities targeted and traumatized innocent civilians-including Barnes-and scarred them for life. Life Is a Gift: Develop the Winning Edge will take you on the journey of his life, recounting historical events of Barnes' childhood years and career. He also illustrates how he directed and programmed his mind through the different emotional experiences of trauma, denial, recovery, and finally acceptance, and how he adapted to change and integrated his way back into society. He also seeks to answer the questions: Who am I? And why am I on this journey? Most importantly, Life Is a Gift will provide you with a spiritual perspective on your life's path-a tool for conscious living and a plan to create the life you were born to live-allowing you to take a brief stop amidst everyday activities to gaze back at where you came from and envision your future.

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