Life Is a Game di Dj Con edito da iUniverse
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Life Is a Game







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Descrizione Life Is a Game

DJ Con presents and explains his beliefs and theories as well as the concepts of astrology and numerology as he shares his journey to spiritual enlightenment. As a seeker of the truth, DJ Con offers insight into the lessons he gained from a wide variety of personal experiences throughout his lifetime. By offering a fresh perspective on how he learned to stop visualizing life from a materialistic point of view and began moving to a spiritual awakening, he allows others to envision a world of unlimited possibilities and new beginnings. DJ Con passes on the wisdom and inspiration he acquired from each life experience, and in doing so, he sheds light on such introspective issues as battling with negative energy, developing an awareness of the deep energies inside, releasing anger and life's expectations, and living consciously and intensely in the present moment. Through sharing the often intimate details of his challenging spiritual journey, DJ Con reveals exactly how he eventually reached a destination so peaceful, alive, clear, and vibrant that he is now able to exist in the here and now, achieving a level of awareness that once seemed impossible. May his journey inspire yours!

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