Life is a Buffet di Polly D Boyette edito da iUniverse
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Life is a Buffet

So Save Room for Dessert







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Descrizione Life is a Buffet

Life is a Buffet is a collection of hilarious short stories experienced by author, Polly Boyette. These funny stories remind us how to laugh at ourselves, even at our most embarrassing and humiliating times. Polly teaches us that life truly is a buffet, offering a wide variety of choices that we are faced with everyday. Choosing to add laughter to our appetite actually makes living and choosing easier along the way. Polly also pairs a scriptural interpretation with each story in order to teach simple Biblical principals along with the laughter. Each story makes us laugh out loud, while, at the same time, giving us food for thought. Life is filled with busy tasks which we allow to clutter up our minds, leaving no room for the desserts that God intends for us to enjoy. Laughter is an essential key in everyday living. Unfortunately, as we grow older and more mature, we find less time to take pleasure in the lighter side of our lives. With Life is a Buffet, Polly Boyette reminds us that it's okay to skip over the main courses and head straight for the desserts. So go ahead and laugh.

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