Life Is about a Dream di James Palmer edito da iUniverse
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Life Is about a Dream







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Descrizione Life Is about a Dream

Everyone daydreams. And at one point or another, we wonder if we took the right path to happiness. Then there are some who have had their whole lives mapped out for and don't look back. So what happens when a young man, who knew what he wanted at life at a very young age, and was achieving it, has that map torn away from him with no clear path to follow? Junior Nevers knew that his role in life was to play baseball. Unfortunately, his future was shattered when he hurt his arm pitching in the school's championship game. Yes, Junior won the game, but in the process, lost his chance of ever pitching again. This is when his career ended and the daydreaming began. But-for Junior-a second chance is given, and this time he isn't going to let anything or anyone get in his way. Pursuing the love of the game was so strong that Junior lost the love of his life, family, and friends. Be very careful what you wish for.

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