Life in the Glory of Its Radiating Manifestations di International Phenomenology Conference edito da Springer Netherlands
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Life in the Glory of Its Radiating Manifestations

25th Anniversary Publication Book I





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Descrizione Life in the Glory of Its Radiating Manifestations

Western thought is surging, on the rebound from centuries of a merely background interest. Life is presenting crucial challenges to the human mind in science, technology, culture and social existence; challenges which reach the core of existence, human destiny, and the very meaningfulness - the human significance of life itself. The compartementalized sciences fall short of responding to this challenge, and present day philosophy by and large renounced its vocation of carrying the torch of reason. In this post-modern darkness, the Phenomenology of Life and of the Human Condition excavate and bring to light the Logos of Life in its entire harmonizing interplay. In the present collection, which continues the long and winding itinerary of our previous probings, we first uncover the new field of the ontopoiesis of life by means of the self-individualisation of life, the key to its labyrinth (Tymieniecka). A network of the ontopoietic itineraries manifest life in its innumerable perspectives: the constructive scanning (chronos and Kairos) are treated specifically by Eva Syristova, M. Bielawka, F. Bosio, and M.A. Cecilia. Individualising dynamisms of passions and the tying of the communal order by G. Bucher, R. Sweeney, A. Polis, A. Zvie Bar-On and others. The life-struggle for the light of the spirit by L. Sundararajan, I.R. Owen etc. The deep springs of mundaneity in human existence (moral sense, empathy, communication) by A. Luse, A. Ales Bello, J. Cibulka, J. Sivak, etc. The life of the spirit (historicity) by M. Sancipriano, M. Cekic, H. Rodríguez Piñeiro, S. Rinofner-Kreidl and others.

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