A Life of Faith: My Journey di Elsie Moses Huck Detweiler edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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A Life of Faith: My Journey

My Journey







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Descrizione A Life of Faith: My Journey

Elsie Moses Huck Detweiler is an educator and evangelist with a love for people, God's Word, and the Lord. She is a visionary with the remarkable ability to surround herself with people who make her dreams come true. Her touching autobiography, A Life of Faith, begins with her early years in a prosperous Pennsylvania Dutch family hit hard by the Depression. Seemingly happy on the outside, Elsie is terribly lonely and plagued by fears of death. At fifteen, she experiences personal salvation that results in life-long peace and freedom from her oppression. Moved to share the gospel and minister to the needs of others, she and her husband pioneer alcohol rehabilitation in the days before treatment centers and personally develop two successful programs still in operation today. Tragically widowed at a young age, Elsie soldiers on with a series of remarkable ministries in the home mission field. In her own words, Elsie shares her amazing story, revealing her courage, strength, and fortitude. Inspiring and powerful, A Life of Faith offers a compelling look at how one woman changed the lives of many.

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