Life Changing Revelation: Revelations that will Transform and Renew your Mind di Andries Roux edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Life Changing Revelation: Revelations that will Transform and Renew your Mind





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Descrizione Life Changing Revelation: Revelations that will Transform and Renew your Mind

Do you want a better relationship with God and people? Do you want better health, better finances?Well if you do, then this eBook is for YOU.In "Life Changing Revelations" you will not only learn this through easy practical testimonies and teaching to imitate but, also grow your faith in God and receive breakthrough's. You will also learn: -What God is saying about the "End Times"-Lord, what is your purpose in Life?-A cry for help!!! How to get you prayers answered by God.-Get a common ground of understanding in marriage and relationships-Financial, healing, breakthroughs by .....-Free from sin and curses-A Covenant with God You deserve the best and it does not get better than this Controversial eBook.These controversial methods WORK, period !!! With ALL that said receive your FREE "Prayer Request" @

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