Life Beyond Death di Anil Sharma edito da AUTHORHOUSE

Life Beyond Death







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Descrizione Life Beyond Death

The author Sri Anil Sharma was born in Ambala, India. He graduated as an electrical engineer in 1980, after which he travelled for a period of three years throughout the Indian subcontinent, in search of the truth. Since 1993 over a period of seven years he read more than nine hundred books written and referred to by great spiritual masters, attained various siddhis, toured many countries around the world and gave lectures. This book is the outcome of his spiritual experiences and guidance received from sages and spiritual masters during deep states of meditation. However, inspite of experiencing the rising of cosmic currents in his body, having attained a heightened awareness of reality, and achieving many tasks in spirituality, like writing books and genuinely helping many aspirants in the path of spirituality, his own quest of knowing and gaining personal experience of self realisation remained unfulfilled. In the year 2000 he came across the teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi, in whom he found all the answers to his spiritual quest and took him as his Sat guru. The author currently resides in Australia, works in his profession and also runs a small centre in Sydney called Sage Sri Ramana Maharshi Centre of Learning Sydney.

Fuori catalogo - Non ordinabile
€ 15.07

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