Life Betwixt: Essays on Allies in the Everyday and Shamanism Among di S. Kelley Harrell edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Life Betwixt: Essays on Allies in the Everyday and Shamanism Among





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Descrizione Life Betwixt: Essays on Allies in the Everyday and Shamanism Among

Part of the Intentional Insights Blog-to-Book series, "Life Betwixt" is a compilation of essays on contemporary animistic and shamanistic life from the perspective of Kelley Harrell, a modern shaman and lifelong intuitive. In this edition, her stories of a foot in both worlds describe how to work with Spirit Guides and Nature Spirits throughout life, not just when traversing ecstasy.Likewise, on this path, direct relationship with the world around us is imperative, though we often overlook our most accessible spiritual support. From the backyard to the doctor's office, from the Ancestors to our own bodies, Harrell teaches readers to identify and embody everyday allies for inspired living."Life Betwixt" offers insight into how shamanic living really manifests--the uplifting and the challenging--how to carry the ecstatic experience into the everyday, and how to walk between worlds in a way that honors the wellbeing of All.This is shamanism among.

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