Life After Life Or The Theory Of Reincarnation (1907) di Eustace Miles edito da Kessinger Publishing Co
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Life After Life Or The Theory Of Reincarnation (1907)





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When so many people are pessimists, having little trust in man or God; when so many drift along lazily, or rush along madly hunting after a success of small importance (which, when achieved, proves to be failure), or yielding to the desire of a theory which shall offer us reasons for trust in God & man, and motives for sensible carefulness, and for work that shall be at once both energetic & calm. The first step is to feel hopeful. The second step is to feel responsible. Mr. Miles thinks that this theory of reincarnation, namely that one life in his world follows after another life, usually with an interval in between, is likely to give us a sense of infinite hope & of infinite responsibility.

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