Level 5 di Alexis Sixela edito da Lulu.com
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Level 5







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Descrizione Level 5

We are following the same path along the Milky Way as our sister planet. They are ahead of us. Their present can give us an idea of what our future will be. Today they are afraid of being invaded. It is not an assault by foreign warriors with big armors and fancy lasers. Of course not! This is not science fiction! It is their brain that is under siege. It is a battle of the souls. They are conscious of the first four levels of their planet: Matter, Plants, Animals and People. What they would like to know is what comes above that. They have a body and a soul. That makes them live in two different worlds. Their neighbor just above is their LEVEL 5 and that¿s where the problems seem to come from. Their soul is revolting against the dominance of LEVEL 5 like teenagers revolt against authority. Could we be dominated by our own LEVEL 5 like we live under the influence of our weather? Helping our sister planet is the best way we can help ourselves.

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