Letters From My Grandchild's First Year di Lea Redmond edito da Chronicle Books
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Letters From My Grandchild's First Year

Write Now. Treasure Forever.





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Part of the bestselling Letters series with more than 4 million copies sold, and one of Oprah's Favorite Things, this unique format features 12 photo frames and a fill-in family tree so grandparents can record each month of their new grandchild's first year. This book of 12 letters lets you record your memories, reflections, and dreams for the newest grandchild in your family during your first year together. Each month, fill out a letter and tuck a photo of your grandbaby into the corresponding frame. Along the way, postdate and seal each letter with the enclosed stickers and fill out the family tree. Then save this keepsake book to gift your grandchild when they're older. They will treasure it forever. AN EASY AND UNIQUE WAY TO RECORD MILESTONES: The letter templates, photo frames, and fill-in family tree are a novel way to keep track of all the milestones of a grandbaby's first year, while also creating a priceless heirloom that generations to come will cherish. A MEANINGFUL GIFT: LETTERS FROM MY GRANDCHILD'S FIRST YEAR is a unique gift for expecting or new grandparents, or a great add-on for a baby shower. OPRAH LOVES THIS LINE: The Letters to My… series was featured on Oprah's list of Favorite Things. Perfect for: Grandparents and new parents Baby shower gift seekers Fans of the Letters To My… series Fans of Oprah's Favorite Things

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