Let My Heart Not Be Silent... di Janet Souleyrette edito da WestBow Press
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Let My Heart Not Be Silent...

The Stories Behind The Songs





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Descrizione Let My Heart Not Be Silent...

So trust in Him, just hang on, and don't let go. He has a plan; He has a plan for you. When we let go of how we perceive everything should be and just go in trust to wherever God leads, we become free to be who He created us to be. In an inspiring devotional she was called by God to write, Janet Souleyrette shares twelve original praise songs and the stories behind them to illustrate an amazing journey of God's unchanging faithfulness. Through her songs, testimonies, and applicable scripture, Janet reminds believers to trust and obey in His unfailing love and immeasurable grace, and to wholeheartedly follow the still small voice that speaks in gentle whispers to remind us of His plan for us and our divine purpose. Included are several additional short stories and lessons learned. Let My Heart Not Be Silent is a collection of original praise songs and the stories behind them that lead believers on an introspective journey within to renew their trust in God.

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