Let Lying Dogs Sleep di Thomas L. Morris edito da Borders Personal Publishing
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Let Lying Dogs Sleep





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Descrizione Let Lying Dogs Sleep

A compelling tale from first-time novelist T. L. Morris combines the intrigue of the world of M&A with the all-too-timely theme of global warming. Brilliant but unworldly Paul Rosser has lived the American dream with his wife since immigrating to the US as a young man. After sacrifice to acquire a small company & years building it into a multi-million dollar success, Rosser decides to sell his company & use the proceeds to fund a comfortable early retirement and a research project into his personal theory of the origins of climate change. But his retirement dream comes to depend upon one Desmond Cruise, a pathologically dishonest empire builder who faces collapse unless he can acquire Rosser¿s cash-rich company. Ranging from a pleasant sunny beginning in Silicon Valley to IPO frenzy in New York, the tension mounts as Desmond's schemes threaten to destroy Paul's dream for the future & maybe even his present.

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