Lessons in Poetry di Anita Garman, John Knowlton edito da Balboa Press
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Lessons in Poetry

For a Wayward Child of Sad Eyes and Lonely Heart


Balboa Press





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Descrizione Lessons in Poetry

After her husband's death-ending a marriage of 58 years-and in the midst of paralyzing grief, Anita Garman senses she is on a parallel journey with her husband's soul. Ever distrustful of her own feelings, she finds herself in a ceaseless inner struggle between doubt and belief, reason and intuition. But when a friend begins to recount dreams of messages sent her, which are unmistakably from her husband, Anita begins to challenge her own skepticism. A string of mysteriously synchronous events, together with her rediscovery of his love poems to her, draws her deep into a new relationship with him. Her husband's poetry and Anita's letters to him intertwine to set up a connection that echoes across time and space as, late in life, she finds her way to a deeper, truer way of loving. This memoir is a magical love story of possibility that reaches beyond the threshold of death to unite earth and spirit in a promise of limitless connection.

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