Lemons Into Lemonade Without the Sugar di Ana H. Weber edito da iUniverse
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Lemons Into Lemonade Without the Sugar

Includes Time Life Love Time Original Formula







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Descrizione Lemons Into Lemonade Without the Sugar

Ana Weber was born in Romania. She immigrated to the United States in 1974. Presently she lives in Orange County, California. Ana is coaching individuals and groups in career, work, personal, family and TIME Relationships. She is tailoring her program exclusively. With her unique and original tools, Ana's clients reach fulfilling and amazing results independently and self sufficiently. Ana is also a freelance journalist. She interviewed high profile individuals around the world and her passion is to network and support others in achieving their goals and dreams. Ana Weber appeared on numerous television shows; FOX NEWS, Good Day New York, ABC San Francisco, South Florida NBC, Chicago NBC, Univision, Channel 2 Denver, ABC Phoenix, KUSI San Diego and many more. Ana is receiving great exposure on live nationwide syndicated radio shows; Be the Star you are, The WMET Washington, The Bev Smith show, XM Radio, Aware Talk Radio, The New Style show and many more. Ana Weber - featured in USA Today, Fairfax Times, Chicago Sun Star, Cecile Whig, O.C. Metro, Philadelphia Edge and other magazines and newspapers nationwide. Please visit www.anatherelationshipexpert.com.

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