E-Learning demands Human Support di Isabella Vasconcellos edito da Lulu.com
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E-Learning demands Human Support







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Descrizione E-Learning demands Human Support

This book refers to a DBA thesis that added to the business and academic discussion, some factors influencing students' decision to drop out of Brazil's online courses. In recent years, e-learning has been the fastest growing educational form in students' numbers, and this industry's market revenue (Lee, Choi, Kim, 2013). According to Syngene Research (2019), the e-learning market will reach $336.98 billion by 2026. Despite this growth in online students' number, concern has increased about students' significantly higher dropout rates than the dropout rate in conventional learning environments. All over the world, schools have been forced to shut doors due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Over 1.2 billion children in 186 countries remained out of school. The study looked at students' and professional e-learning experts' points of view and compared their considerations. The analysis began with a literature review to identify the main recurrent variables that influence dropout and advanced quantitative and qualitative surveys to identify different factors that may contribute to dropout. The study identified the strong correlation of support quality on students' perception of system quality, the usefulness of course content, and information quality. That conclusion confirmed Souza's study (2009). According to this author's opinion, factors such as the quality of interaction between students and teachers and information quality are the leading causes of dropping out.

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