Learner's Interaction with Information and Communication Technologies di Chaudhary Muhammad Shahbaz Anjum edito da VDM Verlag
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Learner's Interaction with Information and Communication Technologies


VDM Verlag





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Descrizione Learner's Interaction with Information and Communication Technologies

This study aims to explore how children and teen- agers (i.e. learners) interact and create a use for information and communication technology in the classroom during their lectures. The study is based on distributed cognition theory in order to describe a cognitive system which involves interactions among humans, artifacts and the environment. The Distributed Cognition Approach is a widely acknowledged approach, but it is less commonly applied in order to observe learner's (such as children and teen-agers) interaction with information and communication technologies in their learning setting. Therefore this study aims to explore the children and teen-agers interaction with the information and communication technology active boards by using distributed cognition theory which can be expressed as important and interesting for the researchers, designers and developers in evaluating, designing and developing effective interactive technologies that supports better education.

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