Learn Angular in 24 Hours di Lakshmi Kamala Thota edito da HARPERCOLLINS 360
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Learn Angular in 24 Hours





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Descrizione Learn Angular in 24 Hours

There are different types of web development books available in the market today. Only a few books are focused on basics and targeted to absolute beginners who have no idea of coding. The core idea behind this book is to make sure everyone with or without basic knowledge on Angular should understand and expertise web application development using Angular. After going through all chapters in this book, one can quickly and confidently create a live web application using Angular in just a few hours. Simple language is used in this book to make sure everyone who reads this book can understand every concept without any complexity. All concepts in this book are presented with many examples, screenshots through a step-by-step approach. Live mini-projects at the end of this book adds extra confidence.

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