Leading Worship di Stone Shamblin Stone edito da LifeRich Publishing
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Leading Worship

What Every Worship Leader And Worship Team Should Know





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Descrizione Leading Worship

This is the fourth book in the series of books about Christian worship by this author. Whereas the previous three books have been 98% based on scripture, this book contains a mixture of biblical principles and practical skills for leading worship. This book will benefit every person involved in their church's worship ministry. It is also advised that every senior or lead pastor read this book so they will be able from a position of knowledge to encourage their volunteer worship leaders. The biblical-based portion of this book describes how to know whether God has called you into worship ministry, the history of biblical worship, and how your church's worship should look if you want to follow the biblical model of worship. The practical portions of this book introduce the various musical skills necessary for everyone involved in worship ministry.

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