Lead Your Way Up: How To Be A Leader At Any Level di Iris Irumva edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Lead Your Way Up: How To Be A Leader At Any Level





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Descrizione Lead Your Way Up: How To Be A Leader At Any Level

LEAD YOUR WAY UP is a practical guide to outstanding leadership, whether you are a newbie in the corporate world, stuck in your career, or want to shake things up. Full of invaluable life and career lessons, Iris Irumva unveils the untold secrets of leadership that you need to become a person of influence: from adopting a leader's mindset and leading yourself first to leading others. LEAD YOUR WAY UP is a source of hope to navigate setbacks with unwavering grace, unlock the untapped inner power, and build muscles for resilience to experience a lucrative career and leadership success. For aspiring and established leaders, this book will be a source of inspiration and encouragement to relentlessly pursue nothing short of greatness.

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