Lead Us Not Into Temptation di Laura Williams edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Lead Us Not Into Temptation







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Descrizione Lead Us Not Into Temptation

Lead Us Not Into Temptation is a fictional book that looks into the issues of sin, not in the world, but in the church. Candace Gibson wanted a small portion of the so-called good life. She just didn't know what this life consisted of and how to go about getting it. She thought this meant being a part of one of the so-called prestigious committees. She wanted to be invited to the prestigious parties, and most of all, she wanted to have a prestigious friend. In fact, Candace wanted everything she never had. Suddenly, she had a small chance at getting what she thought of as the perfect life, but there was a cost. Did this chance of a lifetime mean that she would give up a lifetime of religious upbringing by her grandmother? Would she make the same mistakes her mother had made, or would she yield not to temptation and at the same time, turn her back on her dreams?

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