Law, Gender, and Injustice di Joan Hoff edito da New York University Press
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Law, Gender, and Injustice

A Legal History of U.S. Women





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Descrizione Law, Gender, and Injustice

A groundbreaking analysis of how gendered oppression is written into the American legal system Law, Gender, and Injustice: A Legal History of U.S. Woman is a landmark study of how women remain second-class citizens under the current legal system. In this widely acclaimed book, Joan Hoff questions whether the continued pursuit of equality based on a one-size-fits-all vision of traditional individual rights is really what will most improve conditions for women in America. Concluding that equality based on liberal male ideology is no longer an adequate framework for improving women's legal status, Hoff's highly original and incisive volume calls for a demystification of legal doctrine and a reinterpretation of legal texts (including the Constitution) to create a feminist jurisprudence.

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