The Laughing Jesus: Religious Lies and Gnostic Wisdom di Timothy Freke, Peter Gandy edito da THREE RIVERS PR
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The Laughing Jesus: Religious Lies and Gnostic Wisdom

Religious Lies and Gnostic Wisdom





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Descrizione The Laughing Jesus: Religious Lies and Gnostic Wisdom

An Incendiary Wake-Up Call to the World
What if the Old Testament is a work of fiction, Jesus never existed, and Muhammad was a mobster?
What if the Bible and the Qur'an are works of political propaganda created by Taliban-like fundamentalists to justify the sort of religious violence we are witnessing in the world today?
What if there is a big idea that could free us from the us-versus-them world created by religion and make it possible for us to truly love our neighbors--and even our enemies?
What if it is possible to awaken to a profound state of oneness and love, which the Gnostic Christians symbolized by the enigmatic figure of the laughing Jesus?
Discover for Yourself Why the Gnostic Jesus Laughs

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