The Lathe of God: A Quest for Noah's Ark di Angus L. Franklin edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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The Lathe of God: A Quest for Noah's Ark

A Quest for Noah's Ark







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Descrizione The Lathe of God: A Quest for Noah's Ark

Millions of people worldwide are dying of RAPAIDS, a unique new form of biological terrorism, unleashed by a militant terrorist group seeking ultimate power. While desperately working on a cure, Andrew Roberts, a brilliant medical geneticist, and several of his colleagues are enticed into a covert scientific military operation that takes them on a horrendous journey. They will travel to Mount Ararat to find Noah's Ark and the secret that it holds; the Lathe of God, a legendary device housing a gene library of all known life that may save the world from the terrorist weapon that has gone terribly wrong. To undertake this journey, they must each overcome their own personal fears and cling to their shattered faith. Can they overcome the challenges of the mountain and the terrorist factions that seek to destroy them at every turn? Does this one thing that can save the world really exist, or is the fate of mankind sealed? Only by working together can they attempt to undertake and be successful in a quest for something that has eluded archaeologists and religious experts for centuries.

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