A Late-Starter's Guide to Retirement di Jeremy Foxon edito da iUniverse
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A Late-Starter's Guide to Retirement

How to Quickly Get on Track for Your Retirement When You Start Late







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Descrizione A Late-Starter's Guide to Retirement

It can be scary to approach retirement and realize that you're not financially prepared. The situation doesn't get any better when you consider factors such as increasing longevity, reduced and underfunded government pensions, and increasing health needs requiring expensive insurance coverage. Author Jeremy Foxon, a shipping and logistics professional, has improved his own retirement outlook even though he started saving late. Now he shares solutions to help you boost savings-no matter where you live. This guidebook can help you assess your current financial position; build a stock portfolio that can create wealth quickly; invest in alternative financial products; and evaluate your options so that you can make the right decisions. Whatever your situation, it's never too late to take action to achieve retirement goals. Enjoy your later years and leave behind a legacy for your children, loved ones, or a cause you care about with A Late Starter's Guide to Retirement. "None of us have the luxury of turning back the clock. We have to move forward by making the best of what we have. You might even find that you have more than you think, thanks to Jeremy Foxon, who will show you how you could change your financial fortunes for the better." -Dr. David Kuo, CEO of the Motley Fool Singapore

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