Last Train to Paris edito da Books on Demand
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Last Train to Paris

a group novel





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Descrizione Last Train to Paris

Twenty students wrote a novel, a beautiful love story about compassion and pain. This is the product of an inspiring project that took one and a half years of generating ideas, researching, writing, and rewriting. Twenty heads agreed on a plot full of tension, emotions, and grief. LAST TRAIN TO PARIS Two young fellows whose friendship turns into forbidden love - and that is just the beginning. Lily and Nick fall in love at first sight, but their love is put to a terrible test. Belonging to different classes the only chance for them seems to be Nick¿s career in the military. While Nick looses all his family, Lily is made to suffer by hers. Her father forces her into a marriage with a man she doesn¿t love. Will their dream survive their separation, the war, lies, a wrong decision, and a marriage?

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