The Last Patriarch di Doug Forster edito da iUniverse
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The Last Patriarch







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Descrizione The Last Patriarch

Young Everett Kensington, the son of a powerful Northern industrialist, lives in his own private hell. Trapped within the emotional bondage of a shocking childhood secret, Ev's only solace is his memory of one illicit night with Samantha, a young slave girl. Yet the memory of his forbidden love is not enough to keep Ev from a sickening slide into the depths of addiction, debauchery, and anguish. Ev must not only overcome the psychological aftermath of his childhood, but he must also fight his alcohol addiction as he strives for a distinguished position of power within the Kensington family. Just as Ev seems destined to surrender completely to his torment, he is infused with hope from a newfound faith and a rekindled love. Now, Ev must find the courage to face his fears and defeat his personal demons, or descend forever into final, dark despair. Set in the tumultuous times of the 1850s when America hurtled toward civil war, The Last Patriarch is the inspiring story of a young man who must fight his own personal battles to earn the life and love of his dreams.

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