The Last Journey of Marcus Omofuma di Emmanuel Obinali Chukwujekwu edito da iUniverse
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The Last Journey of Marcus Omofuma

An Account of Prison Experience







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Descrizione The Last Journey of Marcus Omofuma

This is the story of Black African immigrants and their experiences with European immigration politics. The book describes the lives of a group of African men of various African nationalities who attempted to migrate to Austria and were met by inadequate and hostile Austrian asylum policy. It tells about the death of one African asylum seeker at the hands of Austria's police and the effect it has on his fellow asylum seekers. It is also about the basic truth that Austria and most European nations do not welcome foreigners as immigrants, especially Blacks. It further deals with the problems of Africa, its history and its hope as seen through the eyes of its troubled emigrant citizens. The story begins with Marcus Omofuma and his fellow detention inmates having a lively discussion of African politics, in prison. Marcus has a premonition of doom and discloses it to his comrades. The premonition comes true while he is been deported back to Nigeria on board a Balkan Airline fl ight. He got killed....

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