The Last Fall di Jay Blevins edito da OakTara Publishers

The Last Fall





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Descrizione The Last Fall

Everything is going perfectly for attorney Eric Stratton...until the day after his thirty-fourth birthday.Eric Stratton is all about living the good life-no matter what it costs anyone else. He works for a premier law firm in the Washington, DC, area, drives a Mercedes, and can attract any woman he wants. Then, one day in court, he passes out...and wakes up in ER. Diagnosed with the worst pancreatic cancer, Eric is running out of time.Instead of using his remaining days to go skydiving, mountain climbing, or drag racing, Eric sets out on a journey to right past wrongs and mend broken relationships. If he can survive his own past demons, waning health, and a criminal out for revenge, he just might find the redemption and hope he's looking for. An exciting, suspenseful, and heartwarming story of redemption.-LARKIN SPIVEY, Lt. Col. U.S. Marine Corps (ret), Military historian, speaker, and author of Battlefields & Blessings: Stories of Faith and Courage from World War II

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