In the Last Days of the Empire di Sam Edwards edito da
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In the Last Days of the Empire

Watching the Sixties Go by on Greenwich Village Time, a Bartender's Tale






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Descrizione In the Last Days of the Empire

The Last Days of the Empire is the witness, and confession, of a citizen in the 1960s, who failed to take the actions the times required. What else could you expect from the product of bad blood? Sam Edwards' great, great, great grandfather, before his election as the ninth president of the U.S., vowed to annihilate the great Iroquois Chief, Tecumseh. He kept his promise. Sam's uncle, working for the CIA, was engaged in domestic spying decades before it was fashionable. He also administered the CIA-sponsored attempt by the Mafia to assassinate Fidel Castro with poisoned cigars. Sam himself tested the Constitution by his consistent lack of foresight. He was on the winning side in a landmark case that was attempting to keep the underground press, filled with "obscene content," off the newsstands. And he was a hell of a bartender for being young and callow. He listened well and he put it all down for us to remember the times.

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