Language Games di Shivani Upadhyay edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Language Games





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Descrizione Language Games

This is a comprehensive work covering all the aspects of language games. It is especially useful for the language teachers teaching second or foreign language. Games have proved to be an effective tool for language learning. They fulfill the social, psychological and educational needs of the time. This book on language games throws light on the psychological and practical issues related to language games. It shows the significance of language games for both the teachers and learners. It also considers the problems faced in designing and executing language games. It presents classification and examples of language games. It gives idea about the qualities of language games, criteria for choosing them and steps and suggestions for planning a game class. It provides minute details about language games ¿ when to use, how to use, for what to use ¿ in order to make a language game class successful. It also reveals the challenges and threats associated with the use of languages games.

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