Language Development: Monolingual and Bilingual Acquisition di Alejandro E. Brice, Roanne G. Brice edito da Prentice Hall

Language Development: Monolingual and Bilingual Acquisition





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Descrizione Language Development: Monolingual and Bilingual Acquisition

Written by a team of speech-language pathologists with a plethora of experience in both the school and university setting, this new text for language development addresses the topic of language acquisition among monolingual and bilingual populations, teaches that all children and students develop and learn language differently and at different paces, and will stimulate readers' overall understanding of the complex nature of language development. Discussion includes language foundations and development of Language; content subject development; home and school language programs, and the different components of language including: phonology, morphology, semantics, syntax, and pragmatics. A helpful resource for general education classroom teachers, special education teachers, speech-language pathologists, counselors, school psychologists, school administrators and parents alike, the authors prepare their readers to make a positive impact on" all" students' academic success and their lives. Special features include:

  • This book addresses the topics of language acquisition among monolingual and bilingual populations. It makes use of real classroom strategies along with the use of numerous case studies per chapter, which will be helpful to classroom teachers as well as speech-language pathologists and special education teachers.
  • Covers language acquisition issues from birth through age 21.
  • An outline of each chapter - gives students a framework to follow the contents of each chapter.
  • Two or three "Case Study Perspectives" in each chapter - gives students practical and real-life examples illustrating various language development principles.
  • "Instructional Strategies" in each chapter - gives students applied and tested language development learning strategies.
  • Reflection Questions and highlighted key terms in each chapter - provides students with an opportunity for critical thinking and an overview of professional vocabulary that is a prerequisite for each chapter.

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€ 141.00

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