Ladybirds - Tales On The Wing di D. E. Ceit edito da Austin Macauley Publishers
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Ladybirds - Tales On The Wing





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Descrizione Ladybirds - Tales On The Wing

As a youngster I loved getting, and subsequently owning, a brand new 'Ladybird' book. I especially liked the smell of the pristine pages as I turned them for the very first time. There was an aroma to their 'inks' that was distinctly 'Ladybird'. What a joy! What a childhood memory! These new tales came into being from the front covers of specific 'Ladybird' books, so to them I am clearly indebted. I just let my imagination do the rest once the seed was sown. They are both weird and wonderful, and abound with fact and fiction, truth and lies, deceit and lust. Very unlike the little books themselves, and if you take the trouble you will surely see what I mean.

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€ 11.86
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