Lady Liberty di Richard N. Rhoades edito da iUniverse
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Lady Liberty

The Ancient Goddess of America







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Descrizione Lady Liberty

The Statue of Liberty holds a special place in the hearts of Americans, the people of France, and freedom lovers throughout the world. But up until now, the full story behind its origins has not been told. Author Richard N. Rhoades peels back the mystery surrounding the icon, explaining how French sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi looked to a Roman goddess to serve as the model for the statue. On Oct. 28, 1886, at the unveiling ceremony, President Grover Cleveland praised Bartholdi's goddess statue as "greater than all that have been celebrated in ancient song." But Rhoades goes beyond the historical data and examines the statue's pagan origins by analyzing Scripture. He establishes that the most revealing chroniclers of the Statue of Liberty were the Hebrew prophets who predicted the building and setting of an image of the Great Goddess of the ancient world on her own pedestal in a latter day country codenamed "the land of Shinar." Discover the real origins of the Statue of Liberty, its adoption by the American people as a national icon and its historical and biblical significance in Lady Liberty: The Ancient Goddess of America.

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